Donnerstag, 4. August 2016


Hey guys,

I'm sooooooo sorry that I couldn't stay loyal to my blog at all. Well I've been back since a month now and the reversed culture shock was bad. When I came back, I had to go to my new school immediately for 3 weeks before had our summer break. It was like very very bad. After three day staying at home, still feeling sad and with all these mixed feelings I had to go to school. The first days of school were hell for me the teachers were nothing than my teachers in US. So I was overwhelmed  and  did something that I never did during my exchange year. I cried. I literally sat in front of my parents and cried and in that moment I remembered what my liason told us on the last day in the States.. " Nobody's gonna have time for you when you're back. People will ask you how it was but they don't want to hear your life story. Because they weren't here with you they won't understand it." That was so true like I felt like nobody understood me. I lived in my own little world trying to get out and get to know the big world all over again.

NOW it has been a month and I'm getting there. Of course I still feel like I want to go back but if you don't open up and give it a chance it's never going to work. #exchangestudentwisdom LOL
Yeah that was something I wanted to get out of my mind. Now I feel better and also I got to know my fellow student that got the same scholarship like me from the same district #HiMaloni. She is starting her 10 months full of new roller coasters next week. That makes me wanna go back and start all over again but I'm happy that there are people who are in the situation I was in last year and I'm happier that now I can give them advices for their journey.

I hope you liked my post and I'm probably just gonna show you pictures of prom and my last days in the States.

Much love,